# Glossary ```{glossary} :sorted: RoboKudo A robotic perception framework. Employs an ensemble of (perception) experts which are combined in tree structure inspired by Behaviour Trees. Annotator A processing module built for a single subtask of a Perception Task. RoboKudo Webexplorer A webinterface for interaction with RoboKudo. Perception Task A task given to the RoboKudo system. An example for this could be "Detect fruits on the table". Common Analysis Structure (CAS) A datastructure that is used to share information between Annotators. Annotation A piece of information created by an {term}`Annotator` that is stored in the {term}`Common Analysis Structure (CAS)`. Perception Pipeline Tree (PPT) A tree made of Annotators and Sequences of Annotators that computes a Perception Task. The tree is "ticked" with a certain frequency to trigger the computations and checks. Total Tick Time (TTT) The total time required to **compute** a tick of the whole {term}`Perception Pipeline Tree (PPT)` once. MilliSeconds Per Tick (MSPT) The total time spent on a single tick of the whole {term}`Perception Pipeline Tree (PPT)` including time spent in idle before starting the next tick. Goal MilliSeconds Per Tick (Goal MSPT) The goal value for {term}`MilliSeconds Per Tick (MSPT)`. Depends on the configured tick frequency in {term}`RoboKudo` . Analysis Engine (AE) A collection of {term}`Perception Pipeline Tree (PPT)` definitions. ObjectHypothesis The basic annotation in {term}`RoboKudo`, marking an object in the image. Region Of Interest (ROI) The region in an image containing an object of interest. ``` {term}`RoboKudo`